The Management of P.K.R. Arts College runs hostel.
The Principal of the college is the Ex. Officio warden of the hostel and the Deputy Warden assists the principal.
The hostel admission fees of Rs. 50/- have to be paid every year.
Refundable caution deposit of Rs. 2000/- is to be deposited at the time of admission. Establishment charge for UG is Rs.5000/- and for PG is Rs.6000/-.
(a) The hostel mess is run on dividing system. No reduction will be given for any absence including late joining or early departure during a term.
(b) The boarding charge for a month will be announced before the 5th of every month. Hostel students must pay the fees before 15th of that month. A fine of Rs. 15/- will be levied up to the end of that month. A fine of Rs. 40/- will be collected if paid in the next month.
All the hostel students must be present on the re-opening date after terminal and other holidays; if they are absent without proper leave letter they will be fined.
Hostel inmates must be present promptly at the appointed hours for the meals and the dinner hall should be kept clean. No foodstuff should be left there after finishing their meals.
The hostel meeting will be held once in the month presided over by the warden. Emergency meeting, however, will be convened at any time.
If students are sick, it should be reported to the warden immediately. In case of illness the students will be served their diet in the room.
During the study hour strict silence must be observed.
Students are advised not to leave money and valuable article in their rooms. Money may be left with the warden for safety custody. The hostel will not be responsible for valuables lost by inmates.
Hostel students must keep their rooms and hostel premises clean. There will be surprise visits from both the Warden & the Deputy Warden.
Room light need to be switched off by 10.30p.m.
Only parents and local guardians will be allowed to see the boarders. Visitors will have to bring the visitor’s card with them.
Once the student has joined the hostel, she cannot leave the hostel without the written permission of her parents or guardian.
Going home is permitted once in a month.
Students are not permitted to go to one place after taking permission for another place. A student who goes to a place for which she has no permission will be severely dealt with.
Students must bring their own bedding, blankets, locks, buckets, stainless steel plates and tumblers with their full names inscribed.
Students are not allowed to use any personal electrical appliances or transistor radios within the hostel premises.
The name of the student may be removed from the rolls of the hostel in account of non-payment of fees or misconduct.
Any serious misconduct on the part of any member may entail suspension or dismissal from the hostel. Such cases and other matters related to the hostel affairs should be brought to the Principal promptly.
The principal has the right to refuse admission to the hostel to any student, who in her opinion is not considered suitable for admission on medical grounds or for reason of conduct.